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Anthem Of Our Souls
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"Anthem of Our Souls" is a series of Mural and Short film Projects.


    We have identified communities in which the LIQUID team meets and is working with participants to plan future phases of the project. Each individual Anthem project reflects on the selected community’s specific struggle, experiences, passions and concerns. In workshop settings, LIQUID  engages people in:

-Designing and creating the mural

-Filmmaking production (behind the camera)

-Film production, dramatic performance (in front of the camera)

-Original music composition

-Production design

    Through a series of meetings, the Anthem mural and accompanying music documentary short film are developed in concert with community participants input.

The final form projected is a legacy mural (64 sq. ft. or larger) and a documentary short film featuring the making of the mural, with an original song and dramatic performances highlighting community expressions. The project culminates in a public screening.

The expected outcomes for communities: 

-Beautiful murals (replace blight)

-Enriched participants, exposure to multiple art forms 

    At the conclusion of the original project, participants and community leaders alike expressed a marked difference in the community pride and respect for one another's diversity. The aim is to build upon the successes of the original model and intentionally create stronger communal bonds and cultural pride. The first phase was completed in December 2017. Over the past year it has received numerous film laurels. The goal is to produce new projects in San Francisco, California,  Gary, Indiana, Atlanta, Georgia and Edmonton, Canada as well as future locations and to create one combined feature film.

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Love of My Life

Love of My Life

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